Treasure Valley CW Channel
Mission Statement
If you have an Amateur Radio license and are interested in working Morse Code at a slow pace or a pace you are comfortable with, I hope you will take this opportunity to practice with others on your own set schedule, and at your own pace.
The concept is as follows:
We have created a Google Groups email called the Treasure Valley CW Channel. Upon your request, I will send you an “Invite” to join this group email.
The idea is to give you the opportunity to announce to the group a practice day and time to see who may be available to join you. However, this does preclude any station from getting on frequency and calling CQ at any time. The email is only to facilitate people getting together.
The group email is:
You would begin by simply sending an email to the group asking if anyone would be available for practice on a stated day and time. Interested parties could then respond to your email.
Both stations would then meet on the HF channel in CW mode. You will need the capability of operating on 40 and 10 meters. You will also need a Morse code key and the ability to send in CW mode.
It may be helpful to run a VHF/UHF repeater alongside the session. This voice communication is optional, but helpful, during the practice session. All Amateur Radio class operators can send and receive on the following HF frequencies:
Daytime practice will be held on 40 meters 7.100
Evening practice will be held on 10 meters 28.100
Voice communication will be on the Star repeater 444.525 + offset- a tone of 103.5 Hz. However, any local “Open” repeater can be used.
If you are interested in joining this group and beginning your CW journey, simply email: “Add me to the CW group” and I will send you an invite as soon as I see your request.
Email to:
Nils and I are looking forward to this group growing over time and hope it gives everyone interested in learning Morse Code the opportunity to do so.
Doug K7GMD